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Footnotes: What Do the IRS and Nazis Have in Common?; It’s Not Fraud if It’s a Change in Accounting; Darrell Issa Needs a New Hobby? | 07.30.13

Protip: if a change in accounting makes the numbers look better, the actual numbers are still the same [NPR]

How Big Businesses Slash Taxes With R&D Credit — and How Yours Can, Too [Entrepreneur]

A typical accountant was sentenced for doing an atypical thing: "The crimes were committed in a very simple manner," Bentley wrote. "Mr. Doria, having gambled away the money needed to pay his taxes, figured out how much tax he could afford to pay … and then made up income and expense numbers to produce the desired result." [The News Tribune]

Why Firms Don’t Pay Their Invoices []

The IRS kind of sucks but isn't the Gestapo reference played out by now? Maybe not according to the South Carolina GOP. “Our South Carolina Republicans are fighting on so many fronts and need your help,” South Carolina GOP executive director Matt Moore writes. “We’re working to defund ObamaCare, grow South Carolina’s economy, expose and abolish the IRS and get answers on the cover-up in Benghazi.” [WaPo Post Politics]

Darrell Issa is still really really mad at the IRS [CNN]

SEC sues ex-Santander executive, ex-Spanish judge for insider trading [Reuters]

If you are illegally paying an "independent contractor" who is really an "employee," now is the time to snitch on yourself to the IRS [Forbes]


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