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Good News For the Midwest’s Most Under-Recognized Accounting Firm: Chicks Dig Plante Moran

I guess for as sensitive as he is, Colin was just too busy writing about "man stuff" to announce this fantastic news from Plante Moran:

Plante Moran, one of the nation’s largest certified public accounting and business advisory firms, was recently named by the Accounting MOVE Project as a 2013 Best Public Accounting Firm for Women. The MOVE project is geared toward retaining women leaders in public accounting and advancing women to partnership.

According to the Accounting MOVE Project, the firms that participated in the benchmarking project were ranked on the range, depth and success of programs and workplace culture proven to remove barriers to women’s success, especially at midlevel and above.
Not only is Plante Moran mom-friendly, they even provide a binder – yes, a binder – full of info to their new moms so they know just how much time they can take off, how to ask for it and maybe how to prepare for the inevitable first runny shit that bursts out of that newborn onesie with the hole cut out for a freshly snipped umbilical cord:

Plante Moran offers several formal and informal mentorship programs.

One of the most helpful, according to [Grand Rapids partner Dori] Drayton, is a buddy system that was created by the firm’s Personal Tightrope Action Committee.

“When I started with the firm, I was pregnant and the PTA committee had provided me with a buddy, a person in my office who, within the past few years, had had a child and so they were very familiar with not only the firm's policies related to leave, but just things that you need someone to ask questions of when you are about to become a mom," she said.

Drayton was also provided with a binder developed by the firm and filled with resources for a new parent, including things she said she hadn’t yet considered.

Drayton pointed out what a simple thing the binder was, but also how significant it was for her as an expectant mother.

“I just can’t say enough about that. Personally, it was such a help to me,” she said.

SO, number-crunching moms of the Midwest, now y'all know where you need to be. But before you make the leap to this parent-friendly powerhouse, let's all take a moment to remember just how awkward this firm can really be.