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Review Comments | 08.20.09

clunker.jpg‘Cash for Clunkers’ to End Monday – “The move comes as the department tries to get an accurate accounting of how much money is left in the program, formally called the Car Allowance Rebate System.” Auditors needed? [WSJ]
Benmosche Says He’ll Rebuild Units to Repay U.S. – That’s a bold statement. [Bloomberg]
Harold Ramis Answers History’s Most Burning Question – “One Microsoft Excel owner recently speculated that Bill Murray’s character spent a total of eight years, eight months, and sixteen days reliving the same 24-hour period in Groundhog Day.” Okay, which one of you is wasting your billable hours on this? [Vulture]
The problem with PowerPoint – Where do you start? [BBC]
In a first, Starbucks lowers price of some drinks – Everybody breathe…Okay, got get one. [Reuters]
Will Bank Regulators Diverge from GAAP? – Why the hell not? It’s not like anyone wants to converge with anyone else, anyway. [CFO]