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Withum’s CEO Trying to Get Excited About the Firm’s New Logo

WithumSmith+Brown makes a video every year to celebrate….uh, their Withumness? Honestly, prior to slapping Uptown Funk behind people dancing in hats and sunglasses, the firm was best known for Tony Nitti working Simpsons references into everything from blog posts to lectures on Section 338(h)(10) elections.  

But yes, these videos. The firm released another one yesterday along with a rebranded logo that shortens the firm's name to "Withum." Not exactly an inspired choice and the firm's CMO admits as much, "It seems to be a trend in logos," she said. But I get it; you can't expect an accounting firm that's been in business for any length of time to change its name to "Narwhal Hunters" or "Kermit Drives a Lexus." There's brand equity to protect!

But even Bill Hagaman, Withum's dancing machine CEO had to muster some enthusiasm for this one:

“It’s hard to get excited about a logo, but I’m excited about the opportunities and I’m excited about getting everyone else excited,” he said.

To their credit, at least they didn't go with WS+B; that kind of lazy rebranding is reserved for firms closer to the top of the food chain.


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