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Guy Wants a Gentle Way to Break Up With the AICPA

I am surprised this wasn't marked "urgent" because it seems this guy just cannot wait:

Subject: AICPA

Can you tell me how to cancel my membership. I hate that place, and now that I'm leaving big 4 I get to get off their god forsaken spam listings, if only I can figure out how. My dues are paid up through July, and I don't want to wait that long.


Alright, tell Auntie Adrienne what the AICPA did to you that is leading you to make this drastic, life-changing decision. Wait, let me guess. You're leaving Big 4 and are learning for the first time what it will cost YOU to pay for your own yearly AICPA membership, which means despite CPE discounts and the badassery of telling ladies at the bar "I am a member of the AICPA," you're wondering if it's really worth it.

As for the spam, there's likely an "unsubscribe" option at the bottom, or at least some kind of "send me these kinds of emails" option in your account.

So, if this is really something you want to do, choose to unsubscribe or route their emails into your spam folder and TA-DA, it's like it never happened. Then ignore the invoice at the end of your membership. If you want to get fancy, send them back a "NO" letter with reasons why you no longer want to be a member of this prestigious, Staples-discount-giving organization. You're leaving your current firm anyway, right? So the poor bastard that will get your emails forwarded to them will be the one having to suffer under a pile of AICPA emails, not you. Then go about your life as if it never happened!

Why so mad, bro?

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