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Let’s Count How Many Different Sports You Can Play at PwC Chairman Tim Ryan’s House

We know PwC Chairman Tim Ryan is a workout fiend who loves playing and watching hockey. But judging by a photo he posted on Twitter a couple weeks ago, he and his kids love A LOT of other sports too.

Shortly after PwC announced that it was closing its offices and going into work-from-home mode because of the COVID-19 pandemic, Tim sent out a tweet saying that he and his kids, who are also home, are taking 30-minute breaks together each day. This is really good advice, as my wife (who is working at home) and I go on daily 30-minute walks outside with our two daughters, just to get everyone away from their computer screens, iPhones, and iPads for a bit and get some exercise.

In the photo, Tim’s got his dad jeans on and he just threw a pitch to one of his sons (social distancing maintained) outside of their home.

But upon further review, we noticed a bunch of other sports equipment in this photo. Let’s see (and speculate) what other sports Tim and his kids like to play:

  1. Baseball (obviously)
  2. Basketball (notice the hoop and the playing surface)
  3. Hockey (looks like a hockey goal tipped over behind Tim)
  4. Soccer (that big rectangular shape behind Tim wrapped in a black covering looks like the frame of a soccer goal)
  5. Tennis (that white line behind Tim and behind the hockey net looks like the top of a tennis net)
  6. Lacrosse (are there lacrosse goals behind Tim along with the hockey net?)

This photo is like an ad for Dick’s Sporting Goods (complete with Dick’s Sporting Goods baseball bucket at Tim’s feet).

Tim, if you read this, shoot us an email and let us know if we indeed nailed down the six sports we think are represented in this photo.

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